Algorithm Families
All-pairs shortest paths (Undirected)
Constructing Eulerian trails in a Graph
Cryptanalysis of Linear Feedback Shift Registers
Determinant using integer arithmetic
Discovering multivalued dependencies
Factorization of polynomials over finite fields
First category integer factoring
Generating random permutations
Graph edit distance computation
Link analysis (PAGERANK and variants)
longest path on interval graphs
Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering
Median string problem in unbounded/bounded/binary alphabets
Minimum value in each row of an implicitly-defined totally monotone matrix
minimum Wiener connector problem
Non-priority optimal interval Scheduling
Second category integer factoring
Self-balancing trees insertion
Shortest Path(Directed graphs)
Stable Marriage Problem/Stable Roommates Problem
The traveling-salesman problem
Three-dimensional elliptic partial differential equations
Translating abstract syntax trees