Minimum value in each row of an implicitly-defined totally monotone matrix (Minimum value in each row of an implicitly-defined totally monotone matrix)

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Given a totally monotone matrix $A$ whose entries $A(i, j)$ are implicitly defined by some function $f(i, j)$ (assume $f$ takes constant time to evaluate for all relevant $(i, j)$), determine the minimum value in each row.


$m,n$: dimensions of matrix; assume $m≥n$

possibly uses a function $f$ to define entries; assume evaluation of $f$ takes time $O(1)$

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Naive algorithm 1940 $O(mn)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic
SMAWK algorithm 1987 $O(n({1}+\log(n/m)$)) $O(n)$? Exact Deterministic Time
Divide and Conquer 1987 $O(m*log(n)$) $O(log(n)$) auxiliary? Exact Deterministic Time

Time Complexity Graph

Minimum value in each row of an implicitly-defined totally monotone matrix - Time.png