Discrete Logarithm Over Finite Fields (Logarithm Calculations)

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Let $F_{p^n}$ denote the finite field of $p^n$ elements, where $p$ is a prime. Let $x$ be a generator for the multiplicative group of $F_{p^n}$. The discrete logarithm problem over $F_{p^n}$ is to compute, for any given nonzero $h \in F_{p^n}$, the least nonnegative integer $e$ such that $x^e=h$. In this context we shall write $e=\log_x h$.


$n$: number of digits/bits in the order of the finite group

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Trial Multiplication 1940 $O({2}^n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic
Baby-step Giant-step 1971 $O({2}^{\sqrt{n}})$ $O({2}^{\sqrt{n}})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Function Field Sieve (FFS) 1999 $O({2}^n)$ $O(n^{2/3})$? Exact Deterministic Time
Index calculus algorithm 1922 $O(e^{(\sqrt({2}) \sqrt(n*logn))})$ $O(n+r^{2})$? Exact Deterministic
Number Field Sieve (NFS) 1990 $O({2}^n)$ $O(n^{2/3})$ Exact Deterministic Time & Space
Pohlig-Hellman 1978 $O({2}^{\sqrt{n}})$, only for primes; does much better for composites $O({2}^{\sqrt{n}})$ (though only for primes) Exact Deterministic Time
Pollard's rho algorithm 1978 $O({2}^{(n/{2})})$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Pollard's kangaroo algorithm 1978 $O({2}^n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time

Time Complexity Graph

Logarithm Calculations - Discrete Logarithm Over Finite Fields - Time.png