Reporting all intersection points, generalized segments (Line segment intersection)

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In this case, the segments are generalized (i.e. have algebraic degree ≥1); we still wish to report all points of intersection.

Related Problems

Subproblem: Reporting all intersection points, line segments

Related: Reporting all intersection points, convex polygons, Reporting all intersection points, general polygons, Counting number of intersection points, line segments


n: number of line segments

k: number of points of intersection

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Franco P. Preparata. 1997 $O( n log n + k log n)$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic Time & Space
Balaban. 1995 $O( nlog n + k )$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic Time & Space
Boissonnat; Snoeyink 1999 $O( nlog n + k )$ $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic Time & Space

Time Complexity graph

Line segment intersection - Reporting all intersection points, generalized segments - Time.png

Space Complexity graph

Line segment intersection - Reporting all intersection points, generalized segments - Space.png

Pareto Decades graph

Line segment intersection - Reporting all intersection points, generalized segments - Pareto Frontier.png
