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- 11:53, 15 February 2023 The (Stochastic Approach for Link Structure Analysis) SALSA Algorithm (Link Analysis Link Analysis) (hist | edit) [432 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(m^{2} n )$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$? words (Stores and updates two O(n)-sized vectors (corresponding to 2 random walks) designed to converge to some sort of stationary distribution) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 2000 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Kleinberg (Link Analysis Link Analysis) (hist | edit) [325 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(m^{2} n )$ == Space Complexity == words () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1998 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 The (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search) HITS Algorithm (Link Analysis Link Analysis) (hist | edit) [346 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2} k)$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$ words (Stores and updates hub and authority values per node) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1998 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 The INDEGREE Algorithm (InDegree Analysis Link Analysis) (hist | edit) [366 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(m^{2} n )$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$ words (Must maintain a list of visited nodes to eliminate duplication.) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1997 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 The PAGERANK Algorithm (Link Analysis Link Analysis) (hist | edit) [392 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(m n )$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$ words (Stores and updates an O(n)-sized vector designed to converge to some sort of stationary distribution) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1998 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Naive (All Maximal Non-Branching Paths in a Graph All Maximal Non-Branching Paths in a Graph) (hist | edit) [443 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(m)$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$ auxiliary? words (For each vertex, store whether that vertex is a 1-in-1-out vertex (all of these can be pre-computed at the same time in $O(m)$ time). Unclear if there's a better bound) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1940 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Kingsford ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [418 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(mn)$ == Space Complexity == $O(m^{2}n^{2})$ words (Creates an ILP with $O(m^2n^2)$ variables and $O(n^2m)$ constraints, each involving $O(m)$ variables) == Description == ILP formulation == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 2006 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Liang Cwinnower ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [364 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(nm^{0.5})$ == Space Complexity == $O(m^{2})$ words (Considers a graph on $O(m)$ nodes and $O(m^2)$ edges) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 2003 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Sagot M ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [367 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n logn m^{1.{4}5})$ == Space Complexity == $O(mn^{2}/w)$ words ( == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1988 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Bailey TL; Elkan C MEME ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [407 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2}m^{2})$ == Space Complexity == $O(nm)$ words (Uses iterations of the EM algorithm as in (Lawrence, Reilly 1990), and thus uses similar amounts of space) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1995 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Sinha S; Tompa M YMF (Yeast Motif Finder) ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [367 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{0.{6}6} m)$ == Space Complexity == $O(m)$ words (Derived: store number of occurances for each motif of a specified length) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 2000 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Tompa M ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [410 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(nm)$ == Space Complexity == $O(m^{2})$ words (Requires considering an $O(m^2)*O(m^2)$ matrix with $O(m^2)$ nonzero entries, based on a DFA with $O(m^2)$ states) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1999 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Van Helden J; Rios AF; Collado-Vides J ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [378 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(nm)$ == Space Complexity == $O(m)$ words (Derived: store number of occurances for each motif of a specified length) == Description == Dyad analysis == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 2000 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Helden Oligo-Analysis ( Motif Search) (hist | edit) [431 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(nm)$ == Space Complexity == $O(m)$ words (Derived: store number of occurances for each motif of a specified length) == Description == Uses oligonucleotides? Also only detects "short" motifs, and used for yeast == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1998 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Brute force ( The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [243 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(U {2}^n)$ == Space Complexity == $O(U)$ words () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1972 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Cardoso; Nuno; Abreu; Rui ( The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [366 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2014 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Dinur & Steurer ( The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [279 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2} log n)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2013 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Lund & Yannakakis ( The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [264 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O({2}^n)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 1994 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Feige ( The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [292 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O({2}^n)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 1998 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Raz & Safra ( The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [280 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3} log^{3} n)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 1997 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Integer linear program Vazirani (Unweighted Set-Covering; Weighted Set-Covering The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [345 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == $O(U)$ words () == Description == ILP == Approximate? == Approximate Approximation Factor: \log n == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 2001 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Greedy Algorithm ( The Set-Covering Problem) (hist | edit) [357 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3} log n)$ == Space Complexity == $O(U)$ words () == Description == == Approximate? == Approximate Approximation Factor: \ln(n) - \ln(\ln(n)) + \Theta(1) == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word RAM == Year == 1996 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Puterman Modified Policy Iteration (MPI) (Optimal Policies for MDPs Optimal Policies for MDPs) (hist | edit) [308 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$ words (Only needs to store values (V) and policy (pi), both size O(n)) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1974 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Howard Policy Iteration (PI) (Optimal Policies for MDPs Optimal Policies for MDPs) (hist | edit) [356 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$ words (Only needs to store values (V) and policy (pi), both size O(n)) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1960 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Bellman Value Iteration (VI) (Optimal Policies for MDPs Optimal Policies for MDPs) (hist | edit) [348 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O({2}^n)$ == Space Complexity == $O(n)$ words (Only needs to store values (V) and policy (pi), both size O(n)) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1957 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Del Moral; Pierre (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [436 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == words () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1998 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Ocone (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [287 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 1999 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Damiano Brigo; Bernard Hanzon and François LeGland (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [307 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2.45} logn)$ == Space Complexity == words () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1998 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Zakai (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [277 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 1969 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Maybeck; Peter S Extended Kalman Filter (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [342 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2} log^{2} n)$ == Space Complexity == $O(n^{2})$? words (Generally works with a constant number of O(n)*O(n)-sized matrices per iteration) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1979 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Kushner non-linear filter (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [441 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n^{2})$?? words (Generally works with a constant number of non-linear transformations; assumes that the description of the non-linear transformations is O(n^2)) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1967 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Stratonovich (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [222 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 1959 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Kalman Filter (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [331 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n^{2})$? words (Generally works with a constant number of O(n)*O(n)-sized matrices per iteration) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1960 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Particle filter Del Moral (Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes) Filtering Problem (Stochastic Processes)) (hist | edit) [348 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(nN)$? words (Works with O(N) number of O(n)-sized vectors (containing information about particles) each iteration) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1996 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Cholesky Decomposition (Matrix Factorization Collaborative Filtering) (hist | edit) [307 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ words (Computes and stores (intermediate steps of) factorization) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1983 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 QR Matrix Decomposition (Matrix Factorization Collaborative Filtering) (hist | edit) [307 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ words (Computes and stores (intermediate steps of) factorization) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1955 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 LU Matrix Decomposition (Matrix Factorization Collaborative Filtering) (hist | edit) [307 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ words (Computes and stores (intermediate steps of) factorization) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Word/Real RAM == Year == 1945 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Alpha-HMM (Matsuyama, Yasuo) (Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables, Hidden Markov Models Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables) (hist | edit) [302 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2} log^{2} n)$ == Space Complexity == words () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Real RAM == Year == 2011 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Shaban; Amirreza; Mehrdad; Farajtabar (Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables; multi-view model, discrete observations Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables) (hist | edit) [447 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2} log^{2} n)$ == Space Complexity == $O(kd+d^{3})$?? words (vector of parameters has size at least Theta(kd), and tensor M has size at least Theta(d^3) in paper) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Real RAM == Year == 2015 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Α-EM Algorithm (Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables) (hist | edit) [518 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n+r)$? words (Stores current theta and Z guesses, which is updated each iteration. Also assumes description of alpha-log-likelihood takes O(n+r) auxiliary space.) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Real RAM == Year == 2003 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Expectation conditional maximization either (ECME) (Liu; Chuanhai; Rubin; Donald B) (Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables) (hist | edit) [424 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n+r)$? words (Stores current theta and Z guesses, which is updated each iteration. Also assumes description of log-likelihood takes O(n+r) auxiliary space.) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Real RAM == Year == 1994 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Expectation conditional maximization (ECM) (Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables) (hist | edit) [476 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n+r)$? words (Stores current theta and Z guesses, which is updated each iteration. Also assumes description of log-likelihood takes O(n+r) auxiliary space.) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Real RAM == Year == 1993 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 EM with Quasi-Newton Methods (Jamshidian; Mortaza; Jennrich; Robert I.) (Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables) (hist | edit) [481 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2} log^{3} n)$ == Space Complexity == $O(n+r^{2})$? words (Stores current theta and Hessian matrix guess, which is updated each iteration. Also assumes description of log-likelihood takes O(n+r) auxiliary space.) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Real RAM == Year == 1997 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm (Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables Maximum Likelihood Methods in Unknown Latent Variables) (hist | edit) [424 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{3})$ == Space Complexity == $O(n+r)$? words (Stores current theta and Z guesses, which is updated each iteration. Also assumes description of log-likelihood takes O(n+r) auxiliary space.) == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == Real RAM == Year == 1977 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 BEN-CHEN M.; GOTSMAN C.; BUNIN G. 2008 (Mesh Parameterization Mesh Parameterization) (hist | edit) [299 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n log^{2}n)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2008 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 SPRINGBORN B.; SCHROEDER P.; PINKALL U. 2008 (Mesh Parameterization Mesh Parameterization) (hist | edit) [277 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n log^{2}n)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2008 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 YANG Y.; KIM J.; LUO F.; HU S.; GU X. 2008 (Mesh Parameterization Mesh Parameterization) (hist | edit) [229 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(nloglogn)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2008 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 CHEN Z. G.; LIU L. G.; ZHANG Z. Y.; WANG G. J. 2007 (Mesh Parameterization Mesh Parameterization) (hist | edit) [271 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2007 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 YOSHIZAWA S.; BELYAEV A. G.; SEIDEL H.-P 2004 (Mesh Parameterization Mesh Parameterization) (hist | edit) [454 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(n^{2})$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2004 == Reference ==")
- 11:53, 15 February 2023 ZAYER R.; ROESSL C.; SEIDEL H.-P 2005 (Mesh Parameterization Mesh Parameterization) (hist | edit) [311 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Time Complexity == $O(nlogn)$ == Space Complexity == () == Description == == Approximate? == Exact == Randomized? == No, deterministic == Model of Computation == == Year == 2005 == Reference ==")